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Author Deepayan Sarkar won the 2004 John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award for writing lattice while he was a graduate student at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  I'll spare you the "smarty-pants! smarty-pants!" song, but lattice is an excellent graphics package for the visualization of data in R.  I highly recommend this book as well as Wickham's ggplot2 book.  You may wonder why you need two books on graphics, won't one suffice?  Not exactly, each package does something a little different from the other and it's nice to have both books in order to know the difference and understand when one package is preferred over the other.  Unlike ggplot2, this book is not in color, nor does it have color plates.  To order this book from Amazon, click on this link: Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R (Use R).